TV & Film
Mayonnaise Productions is a full-service television production company based in Denver, Colorado. We specialize in compelling reality, documentary, and narrative television and film content.
Reality TV is by far the youngest genre of television programming. It is also evolving the fastest, and we are at the forefront of that evolution. The audience is increasingly demanding, and the forced and poorly-written “real” storylines that were a mainstay just a few years ago simply won’t cut it in today’s television viewing climate. Plausibility of storylines, character development, and emotional impact all need to be carefully considered and expertly interwoven to create compelling reality TV content. Not only do we recognize and understand these nuances, we have also pioneered and implemented proprietary techniques to ensure that our television productions stand out in a competitive marketplace.
Well-crafted documentary television programming should be just as compelling and entertaining as narrative programming. The key to accomplishing this goal is to use the same tools when producing documentary content as when producing narrative content, such as character development, linear vs. non-linear storytelling, POV selection, etc. When done well, a documentary will keep the audience on the edge of their seat until the very end, even if they already know what is going to happen.
Our producing credits include award-winning feature films with both theatrical and streaming platform distribution, a multiple-season reality series, an original reality series produced in partnership with Pinewood Studios, and a PBS documentary.
With a successful track record in all phases of the creative process – from conceptualization, to post production, to broadcast and syndication -- our passion is to create television content that is compelling, entertaining, and emotionally engaging. Click here to check out some of our TV & film work.